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Summit Documents
View or Download copies of the Breakout Session Presentations here

Opening Ceremony

Opening Remarks

Advocacy and Youth Climate Leadership

Rob Levine (Citizens Climate Lobby) and Liam Smith (Youth Climate Leadership) share information and their experiences as adults and youth working for policy change

Community Solar

Blue Rock and Abundant Energy share information about options to purchase solar energy for your facility or home at a lower cost than your current electricity rate

Energy Audits and Building Retrofits

Scott Oliver from Pathstone Corp. discusses programs, assistance and advice to improve the energy efficiency of facilities and residential homes

Food Choices and Waste Reduction

Ruth Kramer leads a discussion about ways faith organizations can reduce the climate impacts related to Food and Mitch Gruber from Foodlink will talk about ways to safely and effectively rescue unserved food to divert it to those in need.

Getting Started on (or Reviving) Greening your Congregation

Jackie Ebner from Resilience Research LLC provides an overview on actions you can 
to Green your congregationon and advice on how to get started

Green Gardening and Landscapes

Megan Meyers and Kathy Calnan show how planing more native trees, shrubs and perennials andr educing your lawn can create the biodiversity we need to save our birds and the environment. Community Vegetable Gardens benefit the environment, empower people, and help us to reconnect with the land

Project Drawdown

Sue Staropoli from the Pachamama Alliance provides education and a message of hope on Climate Change and share solutions that we can all implement to reverse Global Warming

Closing Cermony


Coming soon

From Our November Event

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