Denominations represented at the Steering Committee:
Catholic, Jewish, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalist, and the Zen Center. Don’t see your denomination? Join us! Email us by scrolling down to the bottom page of the RAICA website.
Earth Week Event
Interfaith Power and Light, interfaithpowerandlight.org, a national alliance of faith communities working for a sustainable Earth, similar to RAICA (Rochester Area Interfaith Climate Action), is sponsoring activities for congregations during Earth Week, April 17-26. You can find a description on the RAICA website raica.net by going to events, then clicking on Faith Climate Action Week; please click RSVP. You can also find information at faithclimateactionweek.org . You can buy an activity kit or get materials from RAICA for free (coming soon) and there is reference to downloadable material later this year. There is also information on a movie called The Human Element, a fifth element after earth, water, fire and air.
Volunteer opportunity
As we work to get a data base completed for interested congregations and individuals there is a temporary opportunity for someone to enter data by hand until we get an electronic system up and running. This would help RAICA in a big way without a long-term commitment. Please email us by scrolling down to the bottom page of the RAICA website.
Electric Vehicles
How about installing electric vehicle charging stations in your congregation's parking lot? NY State is offering a $4000 rebate on each charge port through Charge Ready NY. See more under Idea Exchange, Transportation on this website.
Energy Efficiency Challenge
Read about the RAICA Energy Efficiency 2020 Challenge under campaigns on the website and see if your congregation might join in a friendly contest and save money and energy at the same time. Sign up soon and you will get a year's help from experts.
These are just a few items that might interest you. Explore our website, come to a meeting, and by all means come to the Second Annual Interfaith Climate Summit on Sunday, April 26, 2-5 pm at the Irondequoit United Church of Christ.