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Newsbytes from the steering committee meeting 3/13/20

Sarah Singal

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

We voted to be a supporter of NYRenews, ( joining others promoting the Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA), and other similar actions. This act, being considered in both NYS Assembly and Senate, would make polluters pay for the harm they've caused our communities, and invest funds to transition our state to a just, renewable economy.

We agreed to support our favorite meeting spot, The Greenhouse Cafe at 2271 East Main St. and made a financial donation. Individual donations are encouraged. Coffee Connections ( is having a difficult time making ends meet during social distancing, and the operation gives women in recovery jobs and support, and also supports fair trade coffee and even aids monarch butterflies who gather unharmed at coffee growing areas in Guatamala--who knew? The other store in this operation is Coffee Connections and is on 681 South Avenue. Your can order on line and also donate on the website.

Congregations in action:

~The Zen Center has declared a climate emergency, and encourages other congregations

do the same. Contact Notch Miyake.

~Several congregations are offering compost bin swap services on site: First Unitarian, Temple Sinai, probably others. More are in the process of getting started.

~Church of the Assumption in Fairport has an electric car charging station and there may be

another congregation also. If more information comes in this post will be updated.



From Our November Event

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