You may be pacing in your home, armed with an antimicrobial spray bottle and wipes, looking at doorknobs and getting restless. No problem! Now is a fine time for climate and social justice. Here are some things you can do.
Join a group. Local groups or chapters to check out: You’re right here with RAICA, and also explore Citizens Climate Lobby, (CCL ) and Rochester Peoples Climate Coalition (RPCC, ), among others. And check out the national organization Interfaith Power and Light (IPL, ). All of these have actions you can perform that do not involve large groups and even can be done on your computer or phone, in splendid isolation. Make phone calls. Write a letter to the editor.
Start a group. Does your congregation have a Green Team or a Creation Care Committee? If not, tap a few people you know are concerned about the effects of climate change and start planning, working from home.
Give money. Give to climate organizations and also to social justice organizations. The two are closely connected. In times like this we realize how much we depend on each other. Get out your checkbook.
Read a book and start an electronic book group. Ideas for themes: antiracism and the climate movement; second version of Drawdown; composting. Also, RPCC has a book group--find it on Slack, and CCL has a reading room on Slack. Other books Climate, A New Story by Charles Eisenstein; Climate Church, Climate World byJim Antal; Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari; Overstory by Richard Powers. And while you're at it you can finish some of those books you didn't quite finish.
And speaking of Slack, if you've joined an organization that uses it, get on Slack, and if you are already using it on a basic level, find out more about it.
Send in ideas for electronic action by email, scrolling from home to the bottom of this site . Or add suggestions in a comment to the blog if you are a RAICA member.
Stay busy and stay well!