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Greening Resources for Congregations

RAICA Getting Started Guide


An action workbook for faith institutions to take meaningful action on climate change

The RAICA Getting Started Guide is designed specifically for individuals and teams in the Rochester Area. 


It provides some guidelines on how to get started taking meaningful action.  There are descriptions of actions that you can take along with RAICA campaigns which are actions that have been vetted and packaged to make them easier to do.  You will also find case studies of what other local congregations have done and are doing.  

Download the guide here (PDF)

RAICA Getting Started Guide

Other Greening Guides:


Blessed Tomorrow Moving Forward Guide Blessed Tomorrow is a coalition of diverse religious partners working to advance climate solutions in faithful service to God. This provides you with information and resources to reduce energy use, to build resilient houses of worship as refuges from a changing climate, and to encourage support for policies that better care for creation.


Energy Star Action Workbook for Congregations

This workbook is intended to serve as a resource and planning guide for clergy, staff, and laypersons of houses of worship who want to increase the energy efficiency of their facilities by implementing realistic and cost-effective energy improvement projects.

GreenFaith Guide

District of Columbia Energy Office
– This guide was designed to assist in the development of an environmental outreach and education program targeting faith-based communities in DC; to help religious organizations better plan and implement building construction expansion, renovation, equipment replacement, maintenance and operation to reduce energy use and save money.

UJA Network Greening Intitiative- Green Guide

The United Jewish Association of NY launched the Network Greening Initiative to help UJA-Federation’s network of agencies find ways to make broad concepts of greening accessible within their organizations.  

Becoming Carbon Positive: A manual for places of worship

Provided by Climate Buddies, Interfaith Environmental Network, the manual assists faith based communities in leading the effort to care for our Earth and reverse the effects of climate change. 

Hazon Seal of Sustainability 

The audits evaluate a broad swath of your organization’s operations, from lighting to landscaping, compost to cleaning, poultry to pollinators. Three audits are available, covering (a) Food, (b) Facilities, and (c) Ecosystems (indoor and outdoor). Each audit helps your organization evaluate its current performance — and find inspiration for future improvements.

Mission Investment Fund: Energy and Earthcare Checklist

This guide will help your congregation assess what you are already doing to save energy and protect the earth. It will also highlight areas where you can make changes or improvements. Changes that your congregation makes will help care for creation, save energy and money.

Climate Impact Budget Calculator

Calculates carbon footprint based upon budget inputs

Energy Action Card Audit Checklist

Climate Buddies audit spreadsheet checklist provides estimates of financial return on investment and climate impact

Web of Creation Green Congregation Program

These materials are designed to train a small group of lay people and clergy to bring care for creation into the full life and mission of your congregation. You may use this manual in different ways, doing some or all of the processes and projects suggested here. For the program to work well, you may want to follow the steps and the principles recommended.

Cool Congregations -Interfaith Power and Light

Use this online kit to learn how to become a Cool Congregation. Each page, or step, will guide and inform your efforts. Interfaith Power & Light is mobilizing a religious response to global warming in congregations through the use of renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate-friendly grounds, water conservation, and inspiring people at home and in the community. Join the movement!

Do it yourself Energy Audit for Congregations

Interfaith Power and Light provides a step‐by‐step walkthrough energy analysis to help you identify the cost‐effective, immediate things you can do to: Save energy, Save money, Protect creation

From Our November Event

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