The National Wildlife Federation

Since 1973 The National Wildlife Federation has encouraged gardening for wildlife. The newer Sacred Grounds program promotes native garden habitats on the grounds of houses of worship and other faith communities. The purpose is to engage people of faith in not only providing habitat for birds, bees and other wildlife, but also in educating themselves, their families, and neighbors on why and how they care for the Earth by bringing back natural environments for species that are dwindling due in part to loss of native habitat.
Sacred Grounds gardens offer wildlife food, water, places to hide, and places to raise young. The National Wildlife Federation has extensive resources for identifying native plants and the insects, birds and butterflies they sustain. When the garden is completed and growing, the team can apply to designate their garden a NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat, and place a sign to help spread the word. Even small gardens are helpful, and if a town or city has multiple Sacred Grounds gardens the entire area functions as a Community Wildlife Habitat.
The website has extensive information on the program and various examples of certified gardens. Go to