Mar 15, 2023
NYRENEWS got many of our priorities in the NYS Senate one-house budget:
our major Climate+ Community Protection Fund CCPF,
Cap + Invest $ going into CCPF,
Make Polluters Pay Climate Superfund to also fund CCPF, so we're pumped! We need to keep pressure on the Assembly to include more in their budget. One thing you can do to help is sign up to make calls next week, one a day to a legislator (priorities will change during the week)- see below. If shy about calling, there's a twitter option also. Get back to me if you have questions- Spread the Word about NY Renews Digital Week of Action! by Zasu Scott Hey NY Renews, It's game time. The next few weeks are among the most important weeks of the year when it comes to getting key Climate, Jobs & Justice bills into the New York State budget. The Senate and Assembly are set to drop their one-house budgets in the next day or two, and if we act now, we may have a shot at winning something big in the final budget. To make sure that the final budget centers on climate and environmental justice, we are holding a Digital Week of Action next week: Monday, March 20th to Friday, March 24th. We need your help to pull it off! Can you help amplify our:
Week-Long Call Relay: We’ll be holding a call relay that lasts one week long! We’re encouraging folks to sign up for the same time everyday next week if they have capacity, but any and all help is appreciated.
5 Days of Twitter Actions: We will be releasing a Twitter action each day of the week. Sign up here to be part of next week’s Twitter action, and our weekly Twitter actions going forward.
Let’s get all hands on deck and act while it counts. Thank you for all your support!
Zasu Scott, she/herDigital Organizer
NY Renews Coalition
Note: NY Renews is a nonpartisan coalition and does not intervene or participate in elections for public office, nor do the endorsements or electoral activities of member organizations reflect or suggest a position on behalf of NY Renews.